
Archive for the ‘About Moments’ Category

Wanted to add a disclaimer about strolling about in the cyce.
It is an egg design and two walled or L shaped…… currently finished in white paint.
There is a particular danger if you walk deeper and deeper into its sublime 255point whiteyness….. you may just fall over!!!
Seems the inner ear has a tougher time keeping you upright with no visual references.
We keep a walker available for those who dare to walk into the white.

Be careful what you say too….. close to the plaster curve, every sound you utter can be heard at the far end of the studio.

Come play!!!

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This particular subject, a bike builder and specifier of Metezler Tires as OEM roundblacks was a complete hoot during the whole session,
his cell never left his ear, heck of a calling plan ‘eh.
I got him without the pretty v-twin custom brought for the assignment and stuck him in the cyce to field his calls and made this series of silly fun images.

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