Executive Portrait Photography Enhances Your Image

BMW Corporate Sales

Creating an Executive Corporate Headshot for Annual Reports requires attention to detail, exquisite lighting  and preparation to capture the Executive’s demeanor and the corporate culture.  Rick Davis Photographic’s Executive Corporate Headshots are evergreen and have applications for all media including the Annual Report.  To view more “Workstyle” shots visit  http://www.rickdavisphoto.com/gallery.html?gallery=workstyle

Making Creative Space

Just got a second to post this Guest Column from Philadelphia Creative Guide.

Here is the link….  http://www.phillycreativeguide.com/guest/guest_columnist_20100301.aspx

Hope you enjoy.

Gotta run!

Cats get Crazy

Cold wet cat

This whole snow situation has really gotten to the big kitten in our pride, Sonny…..

Yesterday was the last straw!

Cats get cabin fever in the worst way.

Made this with my iPhone.

Photo series is from the Delaware Art Museum one of those jewels tucked away off the beaten path in a lovely old neighborhood of old Wilmington Delaware.

Whenever I go to a museum, I tend to make photographs, inspired perhaps by the space, energy and art. This time traveling light with only my iPhone. Glad I did. The iPhone  does take a bit of “gitin used to” but has a lot of rewards with a nice file size and gorgeous interface. A touch o photoshop and taaa daaaa ….. beauty photos.

found in the kitchen

Wanted to add a disclaimer about strolling about in the cyce.
It is an egg design and two walled or L shaped…… currently finished in white paint.
There is a particular danger if you walk deeper and deeper into its sublime 255point whiteyness….. you may just fall over!!!
Seems the inner ear has a tougher time keeping you upright with no visual references.
We keep a walker available for those who dare to walk into the white.

Be careful what you say too….. close to the plaster curve, every sound you utter can be heard at the far end of the studio.

Come play!!!

New Motion Work uploaded

At last, four new motion files have been uploaded to the Springhouse Films site. We have two more; “Rocker/Roller” and “Criterium” in the final edit stage and should post them very soon.
Springhouse Films and my collaboration with Erik Freeland in the birth and growth of this unique production company has been amazing. I have never had a partner but working closely to bring forth this new creative shop has been highly collaborative and enjoyable. We had known each other for a number of years being neighbors.
I became interested in motion thru an upgrade to the Canon EOS 5D2 and its revolutionary HD imaging and Erik was searching for space and facilities for his directing and editing abilities. That was late last spring. Since then we have created seven new projects to showcase our abilities. A nifty website and very nice logo. We also, unlike most production companies own our own gear (cameras, lenses, sound and lighting)
The new edit suite is finished (transformed from my ole skool B&W lab) with screamin eight core MacPro box with all the goodies, dual 23 cinema’s and 42″ HD reference TV, Beringher monitors provide clean flat sound and we are testing the room acoustic’s for audio recording.
We see a growing need in motion for the web in 2010 and will be showing off some fresh takes on old tech in the first quarter of 2010.

I rarely wake with an idea that compels me to get to the keyboard before coffee and sunrise,but this one would not respond to just rolling over.
I have been employed the last few days with removing years of built up floor wax from my retro hip Pirelli Dot rubber tiles, yards of the stuff, the old fashioned way with chemicals and Oreck orbital buffer that I purchased years ago for a hefty chunk of change with the high minded notion of improving looks. Seldom do I buy a tool and use it less than that buffer.

Today, I will replace the furniture and be rewarded with a sense of accomplishment and a like new rubber floor.

I have also a sense that the process of creative renewal is about to begin as well. This past year plus has been one of the most challenging in my professional life. My normal creative visual flow has been diverted and subdued.

Writers call it “cramp” but I have yet to name it; I only know it as a grey cloud that comes and goes and gets in the way of excited visual ideas. I do hope that the “flow” will be with me for foreseeable future.

Can’t wait to get to the studio…..

Just Google “Quicktime gamma” for a brief sampling of the frustration that so many people have experienced.
At Springhouse Films, Erik and I have been fighting this issue for awhile and it seems that Apple is oblivious to all these issues.

Here is a post that lays it all out on CreativeCow @ http://forums.creativecow.net/thread/8/1027614

Quicktime gamma issues:Users Revolt!
by Alan Okey on Mar 16, 2009 at 6:59:02 pm

I’ve read that once upon a time, Apple chose a system gamma of 1.8 because they dominated the early graphic design/prepress market, and that a gamma of 1.8 was somehow better for designers working on projects for print.

Years later, this legacy choice is still in effect. Although Apple allows you to change your monitor gamma to 2.2 in Display Preferences, unfortunately there is no intelligence on the part of Quicktime to recognize this. Quicktime assumes that your system gamma is 1.8, and acts accordingly. Just Google “Quicktime gamma” for a brief sampling of the frustration that so many people have experienced.

How is it that angry mobs of video professionals carrying torches have not yet burned Apple to the ground for this transgression? For a company that prides itself on serving the professional video market, Apple has a long way to go before they are truly able to be called “professional” in the way that they serve our industry.

Apple’s notorious secrecy doesn’t help matters, either. There is no open dialogue between Apple and its professional customers. Are they even aware of how big of a problem this is for so many professional film and video artists? Do they even care? I know that people will make flip comments about how they only care about the iPhone/iPod, etc. but seriously – if they’re bothering to even continue to sell and update/improve Final Cut Studio, why don’t they address the major Quicktime issues that we’ve all come to know and hate? Granted, Quicktime is far ahead of any Windows file wrappers, but that’s not saying much.

What can be done to impress upon Apple the seriousness of this situation? Petitions? Email campaigns? Angry mobs with burning torches? Packs of rabid weasels? What?!!!?

Real time editing….

One thing way different with video is the edit process, perhaps it’s just years of engrained still image editing ala chromes on the lightbox or the virtual Adobe version, but it seems to me that editing video clips is the most laborious part of the process.
I know I’l get faster and more efficient with time.
Final Cut Pro is the killer app for motion pictures but gosh, it’s got more bells and whistles than three copies of CS4 .